Tuesday, September 04, 2001

I just wanted to make sure that the following is what we had discussed this morning.

Friday 9/7 EOD - Susan will send to Joy a scene outline. This scene outline will be based on what changes Susan has made to date on the rough script.

This scene outline will note 1) scenes to delete from the script 2) scenes need to be revised/modified/cut down/reworked and 3) which scenes need to be added and written.

Sus will divide this work into 2 pieces and tell Joy what is needed to be completed writing by their meeting on Sunday 9/9 PM. Susan on Friday night will also have a list of scenes she will work on over the weekend.

The scene outline will ensure that Joy and Susan haven’t left anything out of the script to the best that we can determine thus far.

For each scene that needs to be written, Susan will give herself and Joy the following:

· Scene #
· Page # of scene (since many scenes can be on 1 page)
· Act # (1,2, or 3)
· A Description of scene to be written
· length of scene
· characters are in the scene,
· what elements need to be included in this scene as well as
· what happens in the end of the scene.
· Location where scene takes place.

An excel grid has been created for the deliverable scene outline already.
Joy can help to create this document.

Sunday 9/9 PM - Joy and Susan will have completed all scenes needed to fold into a final rough version of the script. Before meeting, Joy will send via email (or vice versa) all of her scenes and Susan will integrate these scenes into the next version of the script.
Susan will bring 2 copies of the script to the meeting so we can read the script as a whole together.

During this meeting – we will make a list of changes that need to be made and again divide the work into 2.

Tuesday 9/11 – Joy and Susan will meet again with new scenes and again … read the script as a whole. We will make all final changes and send the script to Jeff at the end of the evening. Hopefully Jeff can read the script Tuesday and be ready to meet with us Wednesday night.

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

There She Goes

She's a typical, pretty L.A. girl
One from around the way
Her life imploded in on her
on a stormy, rainy day.

She came to me - torn, pissed, greedy
Not even knowing she'd arrived
Didn't know her bags were packed
For this journey to survive

She's scared to leave the comfort
Scared to leave the known
Girl! Leave that teddy bear behind
And face forward - towards your home

Her transformation turned to trash
First time she glanced toward home
It ain't easy getting where you're headed
But, stay true, girl! and you'll never be alone

She's doubled over. Get up Girl!
Fell flat on her face
Try again. I promise you
Get back into the race!

She's scared to leave the comfort
Scared to leave the known
Girl! Leave that teddy bear behind
And face forward - towards your home

Most people are too scared to try
To seek their destiny
They'd rather be puppets of their peers
than the people they were meant to be

There she goes, the girl who risked
the verdict of their creed
There she goes, the girl who'll live
the life she's meant to lead.

Friday, August 10, 2001

49 days from today
7 Weeks From Today Film has to be submitted.
How will we do this?

This blog was created to make me accountable for THERE SHE GOES so it will be submitted to Sundance in time this year.

I know from past experience that it will not get done unless it is committed to and I felt like this script would never get done without me forcing it to be done this way. This may be the way we have to write together.

1) BOTH - Come up with a concept.
2) ONE of us writes for constant tone.
3) Given to the other partner to re-write and cleanup.

August 10-24

August 10-24
Music - Marshall Coltman, Ted Lowe
Score - Derrick Kenny or Marshall Coltman??
Casting Call --- weekend of the 18th/19th

PRODUCTION - August 25, 26, 1, 2, 8, 9
3 weekends, 6 days
list of all locations needed - Susan - start to pursue these

EDITING - where/how/when????
Dan Morita!!!!

FILM TITLES - when/how/where???

LEGAL ISSUES - Uncle Bill???

August 10-24

Joy gives DRAFT 1 SCRIPT to Susan by 8/13 AM


Susan rewrites script

August 10-24
Music - Marshall Coltman, Ted Lowe
Score - Derrick Kenny or Marshall Coltman??
Casting Call --- weekend of the 18th/19th

PRODUCTION - August 25, 26, 1, 2, 8, 9
3 weekends, 6 days
list of all locations needed - Susan - start to pursue these

EDITING - where/how/when????
10 -

FILM TITLES - when/how/where???

LEGAL ISSUES - Uncle Bill???